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Try pressing marks of each flag.(^^)
2014May 29 : The announcement of Web site! 平素より格別のご高配を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。
We have opened a website this time.
We will strive to further enhance the contents, so thank you very much in the future.
• Open 17:00- 26:00 -Mon 17:00~24:00 • Closed on Mondays 無し ▼ Tel 0859-22-0688 • Access 683-0065, Japan 鳥取県米子市万能町173-2 • Mail yakitori@r.tokinoya.NET • Concept ☆ after-work drink to your Banquet, etc. feel free to guests,! We look forward to seeing you there.
Sister shop introduction やきとりときや米子店 鳥取県米子市角盤町3-79 ▼ Tel 0859-22-5711 • Open 18:00-5:00 -Mon 18:00~24:00 • Closed on Mondays 無し
やきとりときや松江店 Shimane Prefecture Matsue city, Ise Shrine 507 ▼ Tel 0852-28-8244 • Open 18:00- 26:00 -Mon 18:00~24:00 • Closed on Mondays 無し
ラーメンとき時 (ときどき) Tottori Prefecture Yonago city Universal City 169 ▼ Tel 0859-21-1009 • Open 18:00-27:00